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Wyoming Prospectors Association
P.O. Box 1269
Riverton, Wyoming 82501
Minutes for meeting held on April 12, 2014







President Jim Brines



Treasurer Deb Palmer



V. Pres. Janiece Robinson



Immediate Past Pres.
Curtis Addison



Secretary Joyce Raymond



Meeting called to Order at 12:55 P.M. with 36 members and guests present.
Minutes of March 8, 2014 were read. Paula Jones made a motion to accept as read, Mary Hutchison seconded , motion carried.
Janiece Robinson read the Treasurers report. Paula Jones made a motion to accept as read seconded by Gary Shipper and the motion carried.
After a short discussion it was decided to reverse a motion made in January to electronically transfer $25,00 each month from checking to savings. All the bank needs is a signature once a year to maintain an “active” status on the savings account. Janiece Robinson made a motion to not do the monthly transfer seconded by Paula Jones motion carried.
Randy Hutchison brought the formula for the grass seed mixture for seeding reclaimed dig sites. After we check with the BLM to make sure they have not changed the formula we will purchase 5 pounds of the seed.
The owner of the Big Atlantic Gulch property called Randy Hutchison and gave the Club permission to hold our Annual Outing there again this year.
Carl Anderson brought some samples of decals for us to look at. They are not designed using the WPA Logo. Penni Harden made a motion to table any action until next meeting seconded by Paula Koon, motion carried.
Les Armstrong reminded those present that we need volunteers for the Annual Outing which will be held on June 27, 28, and 29, 2014.

Next Meeting: Miners Grubstake in Atlantic City
May 10, 2014
10:00 A.M. Meal (Brunch) The meeting will follow brunch.

Possibility of Mini Outing following the meeting if weather allows with the location to be determined at the meeting.




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